Monday, August 19, 2024

Notice - TBRA 2024 Annual General Meeting on 1 Sept 2024

Notice AGM - TBRA


Dear Members and friends of TBRA,

Our Association will hold its 2024 Annual General Meeting on 1 Sept 2024

Please reserve that afternoon.

Date:    Sunday 1 Sept 2024

Venue:    Meeting Room (Boardroom) 1st floor, Tanjong Bunga Market, 11200 Penang

Time:    3 pm  

(if you are not yet a life member please come at 2:30 to settle annual payment of membership fees. We’ll be there to make it easy !)








Tuesday, December 12, 2023


                                                                               20 December 2022
TPr. CA. Cheng Hui Lin
Green Acres Studio Sdn. Bhd.
Bay Avenue K-9-2
Lorong Bayan Indah 2
11900 Bayan Lepas
Pulau Pinang


Tanjong Bunga Residents’ Association (TBRA) appreciates the opportunity to submit our further comments and concerns regarding the proposed mixed-development project on Lot 441, Lot 442, Lot 4177, Lot 4178 and Lot 10137.

Following up from the outcome of the Focus Group Discussion organised by Green Acres Studio Sdn. Bhd. – which is part of the social impact assessment (SIA) exercise, held online via Zoom on 6 December 2022 (2:30PM – 4:30PM), TBRA would like to submit our feedback on the process of the SIA and the substance of the SIA, in reference to the current state and extent of information disclosed to us at the FGD.

1. The Process of the Social Impact Assessment (SIA)

We would like to emphasize that it is important for the consultants to provide more details about the project in order for the public to provide meaningful feedback. The information that was lacking in the FGD includes (but was not limited to) the following examples:

* The development concept and justification for the project (statement of need);

* Particulars of land ownership and restrictions, if any;

* Description of the land including its physical environment, topography (including slope classification; erosion risk and landslides), landscape, geology, contours, drainage, water bodies and catchment areas and natural features thereon;

* Particulars of buildings which may be affected by the development; land-use analysis and its effect on adjoining land;

* Survey of trees (including species of trees with a girth exceeding 0.8 metres) and all other forms of vegetation;

* Should also include other biodiversity which can be impacted such as the fauna – birds, animals, reptiles etc (since the affected area is a hill forest and is well-known for presence of important species of animals including the threatened dusky leaf monkey/langurs);

* Density of project; number of units etc. (Some of these aspects above are required to be produced under section 21A of the Town and Country Planning Act 1976 as part of the development proposal report).

* The kind of earthworks and slope cuts that will be involved as under the hillslope guidelines, the types of work allowed depend on both natural and man-made slopes. We must avoid Granito type case where man-made slope resulted in massive landslides and killed innocent lives.

* Traffic impact assessment and plans.

TBRA fully understands the differences between an Environmental Impact Assessment and the Social Impact Assessment – but when it comes to public acceptance of the project, it is important to adopt a wholistic perception of the impacts that this project may entail. Therefore, the project’s impact on biodiversity and the hill slope safety matters as well in the consideration
of the public acceptance of the project.

So, there need to be arrangements for a proper townhall meeting, perhaps in the Tanjung Bunga Market space (upstairs), along with displays and explanation from consultants so that the public can give informed feedback. The display should be available for public visitation for at least a week so that information about this project is made available to more people who will be affected by it.

Also, the status of the Environmental Impact Assessment report needs to be made clear – when it is ready, and when it will be open for public participation etc, as part of the SIA process.

Only with such information available for deliberation and physical engagement can there be proper (and not superficial) feedback from neighbours, residents, and other stakeholders – as the aim of this engagement is to inform the conclusion of the SIA and gauge level of public acceptability.

Even at the online FGD, those who attended that day were only disclosed some general information of the proposed project during the session itself and were not provided any further information about the project after the FGD for us to have more time to look into it more carefully.

2. The substance – based on what little information we have thus far – below are some of our initial concerns pertaining to the proposed development project:

* This area is an environmentally sensitive area - high-risk and prone to landslides as can be seen from on-going mitigation work, Granito and Surin experience. The presence of waterfall, streams, river and water flows and their influence on the slope and terrain stability of this area is poorly understood despite a serious sinkhole incidence that took place in 2017.

* To explain this further, there were already two incidents that have happened before in the Chee Seng Garden area. Firstly, the embanked road which collapsed in 2017 in front of the row of semi-detached houses, which is adjacent to Straits Regency and Surin Condominium. Secondly, the extension of Solok Tg Bungah that was constructed for the (now stalled?) Biopolis project, which has been a long-standing eyesore scar. Note that this stretch extends to abut the proposed Setia development. In the presentation slide at the FGD, we were made to understand that there is also a cut slope reserve within the proposed Setia development, which poses imminent danger to the adjacent residents.

* The project poses an imminent danger to the residents of Leader Garden and other nearby housing. There are concerns of Highland Towers type of impacts given the proximity of the project to the hills. This causes impairment of well-being and negative effect on the mental health of local communities living nearby due to the constant worry.

* There is a great likelihood of floods to housing down-stream, and this must be articulated with a proper study, so the risks and vulnerabilities are well assessed and addressed.

* This marks the loss of last few remaining green lungs on Penang Island that are well utilised and enjoyed by the surrounding residents. This is important for well-being, mental health, quality of life – judging from very popular use of area for recreation, especially for senior citizens and retirees who live in the area.

* The disappearance of wildlife and biodiversity due to the destruction of ecosystem that supports them. Both important flora and fauna provided by this area, including the role of the hill forests in the water cycle and water retention, help support well-being of local community quality of life.

* Long-term, serious negative impacts from traffic congestion; increased level of noise, air and light pollution; higher risks of road accidents; etc – that will happen to a quiet
neighbourhood which never had to grapple with this problem.

* There will be very significant noise levels during construction and air pollution that will last for at least a decade or more and this must be made very clear to the residents as this has serious health consequences.

* There is no need for such a massive mixed-development project, especially when Penang is facing issues with the existing property overhang and glut. The common narrative that such development brings employment and economic opportunities to the public are mostly rhetorical statements and are not backed by any study.

In summary, TBRA would like to put on record that it strongly does not support such kind of development in this environmentally sensitive area which is known to be prone to landslides, floods and slope instability.

We want our green lung to be protected and recreation space to be maintained.

TBRA does not see any positive impacts that are truly beneficial to the public to warrant such a project – which on the contrary, creates long-term problems for the affected residents.

Thank you.

Tis PDF file:

More details on FB:

This release on FB:

Sunday, August 13, 2023

Notice AGM - TBRA - 2023 August 27, Sunday

Notice AGM - TBRA


Dear Members and friends of TBRA,

Our Association will hold its 2023 Annual General Meeting on 27 August 2023. Please reserve that afternoon.

Date: Sunday 27 August 2023

Time: 3 pm

Venue: Meeting Room (Boardroom) 1 st floor
Tanjong Bunga Market, 11200 Penang

(if you are not yet a life member please come at 2:30 to settle annual payment of membership fees. We’ll be there to make it easy !)


a) To receive the Chair’s address;

b) To confirm and adopt the Minutes of the previous General Meeting;

c) To receive the Annual Report 2023;

d) To receive and adopt the Audited Statement of Accounts;

e) To elect Committee members;

f) To consider any resolution of which written notice should be given to the Secretary at least seven (7) clear days prior to the meeting;

g) To discuss matters of general interest.

Adjourn for refreshments.

Please bring your own mug or container for water. TBRA will provide safe filtered water. We avoid plastic bottles, plastic cups, straws, etc.

Please do attend ! Sunday afternoon is easy parking at the Market and we need a quorum. The Boardroom has been renovated and should be cool and pleasant.

Monday, August 07, 2023

Vote Yee Cheu To save Penang

China Press 2023-08-07
By Yang Shanyong
[Translation from Chinese language article] 
The last time I participated in DAP propaganda was in 2008. I received the Chinese translation of the Penang Declaration by email for proofreading. For an entire afternoon, and word by word, I tried my best to transform the idiomatic English into Chinese usage.

It was a year full of ideals. To change dynasty, the squares were crowded with people, slogans were raised one after another, and the crowd was passionate. Except that what happened next was unsightly and hard to describe. In the by-election of Tenang, Johor, I ran into Chong Eng, who came to support the election, who complained and asked: Why are they targeting the Rockets everywhere?

This was not a turnaround that can be explained in a few words, so I could only laugh without answering. What more to say - after winning power overnight, many of my original friends became the core of the ruling circle. And with less restraint, they turned bold, arrogant, domineering in remarks, and reckless actions emerged one after another.


Teh Yee Cheu was elected the state assemblyman of Tanjung Bungah at that time. The seat left by former chief minister, Dr. Koh Tsu Koon, was originally an impregnable fortress of Gerakan. But political tsunami hit; all unassailable fortresses were surrendering. Changing Penang had come true, but real reversal did not stop; that was not the last mile.

It so happened that Yee Cheu has always insisted on the theme of environmental protection - and always playing for real. Come sun or rain, he cycles to declare his determination to defend the ecology on both sides of Penang strait. To put an end to individual high-rise developments, he even threatened at a press conference to go on a hunger strike and to run naked.

Teh Yee Cheu is a son of simplicity, he doesn't scheme and only wants to speak for the next generation of his country. Despite the red line ahead and landmines behind, he charged forward unarmoured. With such a posture, it was obvious that he was only pummeling himself with rocks. In 2017, I made fun of his ignorance of the vested interests in my article entitled "Ignore Yee Cheu's view, landslides come to you."

Vote Yee Cheu To save Penang

"Inside Rockets, the situation is often like playing chess with the emperor: first, you are not allowed to win, and second, you can only accept defeat. Still, from the first move to the last, you must lose with great skills. Only in this way, the emperor will perceive your extraordinary chess skills, and at the same time be convinced that you are controllable, that the servant will not overwhelm the lord.”

One can imagine how it will end. In short, it was impossible, and Yee Cheu finally had to leave the party that ostracizes or "displaces" dissidents (Displace Action Party), in order to make clear his own aspirations. As he quit the party, he returned his party member card and party flag together.

Going Round and Round

Ideals seem to have been returned to sender too: environmental protection policies, reclamation projects, hillside development, endless cycles of flooding, planning standards, housing price ceilings, traffic design, assembly hall law enforcement, accommodation for foreign workers, and even local internal party entanglement. It has always been like this, going round and round.

Now that Chong Eng is getting off the coach while voicing "the greatest regret," I think she finally understands that this party needs a pair of eyes and a whip. At this juncture, to save Penang, one has to vote for Yee Cheu; let him be elected and return to the state assembly as soon as possible.


Saturday, August 05, 2023


Date: August 7th, 2023 (Monday)

Time: 8pm – 9.30pm

Venue: One Tanjung Condominium Lounge, 519, Jalan Tanjung Bungah

Dear residents,

On Monday evening 7 August, the Tanjong Bunga Residents’ Association and representatives of 6 condominiums are holding a Town Hall meeting to prepare for next week’s elections. It will be a platform where the residents can interact directly with all three candidates vying for the constituency's representation in the upcoming elections.

The candidates can present their policies and visions for the future of Tanjung Bunga.

  The three candidates for N22 Tanjung Bunga who have been invited are:

  • Lee Chui Wah [PRM] (confirmed attendance)

  • H’ng Chee Wey [PN] (confirmed attendance)

  • Zairil Khir Johari [PH] (pending confirmation)

We have invited the press and kindly request no more than 5 representatives each… from Tanjung Bunga condo’s as well as concerned residents. Come with your questions.

Park on the street outside entrance and tell the guard you come for Meeting with Ms Oo, the management Committee chairperson. Guards will tell you where to go.

We hope to have discussions about:

  • do we want that LRT to Tanjong Bunga? Busses better?

  • do we want our Sore Thumb Park to be cemented up by the company lobbying to build a 5-storey Wellness Centre ??

  • Do we want that rebuilt hawker place (ASTAKA) to become a money making outfit ???  Where will people park?

  • and so forth and so on 

Please come and go vote next week. TBRA

Saturday, April 22, 2023

JOIN US at 10am on 29 April at the roundabout below One Tanjung

Dear TBRA members,

JOIN US on 29 April, 10 am, Saturday morning, at the roundabout below One Tanjung

Remember the “Sore Thumb”, that illegally reclaimed piece of land pointing towards Pulau Tikus?  TBRA has been insisting that it become a public park since 2010.

That’s 13 years ago.  In mid-2018, in a surprise move, Lim Guan Eng, then Chief Minister, took his whole cabinet down to the Thumb and promised Tanjong Bunga a Pocket Park by December 2018.  The entire speech was videotaped and survived the election.  The Park never came.  New local elections are coming up. Will we get another such promise?
We are calling the press to let all of Malaysia know that we are tired of waiting. 

Joining TBRA are hundreds of inhabitants of the Cove, One Tanjong and Sri Golden Bay.  They are worried about recent plans to allow more building on the seaside. We will protest all together on Saturday morning.

The company that built One Tanjong, variously called Lone Pine or Province Valley, called itself the registered proprietor of Lot 4658. 

That Lot, just at the beginning of the Sore Thumb, is actually leased from the State. Recently, that company applied for permission to erect a 5 storey building on that Lot.  

The ugly looking building was called a Wellness Centre but it appears more like a hotel.  Such a concrete centre is the last thing we want at the beginning of the park for Tanjong Bunga, a necessary green space with public access to the beach.

To obtain the permit to erect that “Wellness Centre”, the company offered to build the Park and showed us images of their idea of a park: it looks like a short garden with wide cemented paths, more like an extension of the Centre for wheelchair patients, not a wooded public park, for walking, jogging, biking and fishing. 

The Sore Thumb is public land and must not be privatized. It is for the State to build and maintain the Park.

For the State to approve the so-called Wellness Centre in exchange for building a small park is not what we want. There must be green space for all and wide access to the beach as well. 

On Saturday 29 April there will be posters with more info.

Drive or walk down Tingkat Laut – easy parking. Event is at the roundabout 10 am Please come and make your voice heard.

Friday, July 15, 2022

Notice AGM - TBRA - Sunday 24 July 2022, 3PM



Dear Members and friends of TBRA,

Our Association will hold its 2022 Annual General Meeting on 24 July 22. Please reserve that afternoon:
Date: Sunday 24 July 2022
Venue: Meeting Room (Boardroom) 1stfloor
Tanjong Bunga Market, 11200 Penang
Time: 3 pm 
Hedychium coronarium
(if you are not yet a life member please come at 2:30 to settle annual payment of membership fees. We’ll be there to make it easy !)

a) To receive the Chair’s address;
b) To confirm and adopt the Minutes of the previous General Meeting;
c) To receive the Annual Report 2022;
d) To receive and adopt the Audited Statement of Accounts;
e) To consider any resolution of which written notice should be given to the Secretary at least seven (7) clear days prior to the meeting;
f) To discuss matters of general interest.

Saturday, March 26, 2022

Where’s our coastal park? Tg Bungah residents demand Penang govt fulfils 2018 promise

"Then CM Lim Guan Eng had promised a 0.9ha park, a boardwalk and an open concrete stage"

GEORGE TOWN – More than 30 Tg Bungah residents have gathered to demand that the Penang government keeps its 2018 promise of creating a RM500,000 seaside park in the area.

Tg Bungah Residents Association chairman Zulfikar Abdul Aziz said state leaders in 2018 presented a draft of the coastal park close to the One Tanjung condominium and had several facilities such as a running track, cycling space, and areas to play football, basketball and badminton.

“At the project launch in 2018, then chief minister Lim Guan Eng in a video clip promised a 0.9ha park, a boardwalk and an open concrete stage. Then exco member Chow Kon Yeow and exco Jagdeep Singh Deo were also present at the event.

“Lim promised the park will be completed in 16 weeks and open in December 2018. But four years on, we have no park.”

Where’s our coastal park? Tg Bungah residents demand Penang govt fulfils 2018 promise

Zulfikar said the park was planned to be on reclaimed land facing the Cove condominium and the Penang Swimming Club.

He added that reclamation works began in 2000 and it looked relatively modest.

“However, by 2006, the size and height increased dramatically, and residents complained to the association that trucks continued to dump rocks and soil at the site.

“It became an ugly rock hill stretching into the sea and a stop work order was obtained in 2006 to prevent damage to the site.”

He said the association started calling it a “sore thumb” after four Cove Tower’s “fingers” were built.

The residents also expressed their opposition when they learnt of attempts to turn the place into a marina and commercial area.

“With so many concrete developments in Penang, we need more sustainable green spaces.

“Parks fulfil many functions in urban areas as they improve our quality of life. Noisy traffic and urban heat, especially in Penang, are not only damaging the environment, but also incur social and economic costs.”

Sahabat Alam Malaysia president Meenakshi Raman, who is also a resident, was present at the gathering. – The Vibes, March 26, 2022

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Claim our Coastal Park (Sore Thumb) Activity This Saturday

Come and Claim our Park !!!
When: Sat. 26 March 2022, 10 am
Where: Roundabout at end of Tingkat Laut (btwn PSC & Sore Thumb)
Why: Coastal Park was promised by State govt in April 2018

But it never got made. Now after COVID, it is time to ask the State to keep their promise and promote seaside exercise in Tanjong Bunga

Come and join TBRA
Backup link in case the above official video is deleted:

Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Household E-Waste Collection Days, 2022 Feb 26-27

Program Pengumpulan Buangan Elektrik & Electronik
Venue: Tanjung Bungah Market and Foodcourt Complex
Date: 2022 Feb 26-27
Time: 9am-3pm
Will JMCs and residents of the condominium complexes in this neighbourhood please kindly disseminate this announcement in your respective social media groups. This is the chance to dispose of your e-wastes in a proper manner and also for reuse of the discarded parts. Thank you.

May be an image of text that says 'தல்தமை் HOW το SEND YOUR E-WASTE το COLLECTION CENTER 26-27 February 2022 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. N王 Laptop/Computer Mobile phone Market Tuesday) Air conditioner Refrigerator Bungal Market, Lorong Sungal 1 Tanjung Bungah Market Food Complex Washing machine Drop-off Television JUGarden JABATAN ALAM SEKITAR Jalan Sungal Kelian "ALAM SEKITAR TANGGUNGJAWAB BERSAMA"'

Friday, February 04, 2022

Adopt a Tree

Fill in this Form to Adopt a Tree:

  • Adopt A Tree!

  • On 12th February 2022, The Climate and Ecology Network JEDI will be planting mangroves in Sungai Tembus, at the northern end of Seberang Perai. We are doing this in collaboration with the fishermen of Sungai Tembus (Unit Nelayan Sungai Tembus) who will benefit from shore protection, enriched fisheries, and mangrove resources such as crabs and mangrove fruits.

    The fishermen will look after the young tree for 12 months. In some instances, the mangroves will be planted some distance offshore so the fishermen have to go out in a boat.

    We are recruiting volunteers, who will do the planting together with the fishermen. Youth volunteers will get a lesson in ecology and gain an unforgettable experience which deepens their commitment to nature protection.

    By adopting a mangrove tree, you will be contributing to fisherfolks' livelihood, enhancing fishery resources, increasing biodiversity, restoring carbon sequestration, and improving coastal protection and regeneration.

    With a small donation, you can adopt a tree for yourself, your family, your friends or even to mark a birthday or any special occasion. Give back to the earth. Adopt a mangrove tree today!


    Also see news coverage:

Stop Forests for Sale: Vast Tracts of Alleged Forests Being Sold Online

"Stop Forests for Sale: Vast Tracts of Alleged Forests Being Sold Online"
The Rimba Disclosure Project along with 29 NGOs and activists are concerned over the impacts on local communities, biodiversity, the climate and legal inconsistencies over alleged forests being sold online wherein we demand an investigation into this matter.
Endorsed by:
May be an image of text

Sunday, July 18, 2021

Notice AGM - TBRA

Notice AGM - TBRA


 Dear Members of TBRA,

You are invited to our Annual General Meeting

Date:       Sunday 25 July 2021 

Time:       2:45 pm 

As soon as we have the quorum, we shall start. No later than 3 pm sharp !  


a)    Receive the Chair’s address;

b)    Confirm and adopt the Minutes of the previous AGM;

c)    Receive the Annual Report;

d)    Receive and adopt the Audited Statement of Accounts;

e)    Election of office bearers of the Association

f)      To discuss matters of general interest.

Please do attend!  

It should be quite easy to join the meeting if you have downloaded Zoom for other meetings. If you are new to this kind of virtual meeting, download Zoom a few days before 25 July. There are explanations on the App. Around 22 July we shall send you a link to click into the AGM on Sunday 25 July 2021.


Thursday, June 03, 2021

PRESS RELEASE 2 June 2021: Nurul Izzah Anwar's Statement on PSR


2 June 2021

The Tanjung Bunga Residents Association (TBRA) is pleased that Nurul Izzah Anwar, the PermatangPauh Member of Parliament, continues to lend her powerful voice to the Penang rakyat’s protest against the Penang South Reclamation (PSR) project.

The PSR project raises many concerns about the permanent negative impact that will be incurred onthe environment, and to the people living in the surrounding communities.

The Penang State Government argues that in order for Penang to maintain its competitive edge thePSR is essential. However, TBRA is concerned that the State continuously fails to take intoconsideration the health, environmental, and social impacts of this massive endeavor.

We are encouraged by Nurul Izzah’s comments: “The Ministry of Environment and Water mustrevoke any earlier approval provided by the Department of Environment; and energise all possibleefforts to collaborate with the Penang State Government in managing the people’s socio-economicrecovery as we chart the uncertain post-pandemic recovery terrain.”

The environmental impact assessment (EIA) report for the PSR project clearly states that:“Permanent destruction and residual impacts will be suffered by the mudflat ecosystem, fishinggrounds, turtle landings, and some of the coral reefs on Pulau Rimau. This permanent destructionwill have a significant negative impact on fisheries resources, fishermen and the security of thecountry’s food supply.”

TBRA is alarmed that Tanjong Bunga’s State Assemblyman Zairil Khir Johari, who is also the PenangState Infrastructure and Transport Committee chairman has once again come out vehemently tosupport this project. He seems oblivious to the real environmental and financial consequences ofPSR.

YB Zairil points to an “independent study” by Pricewaterhouse Cooper (PwC) to back his claim thatthe PSR would be a “key recovery driver of the state”. Unfortunately, this study has not been madeavailable to the rakyat – and we hope that our YB would be kind and responsible enough to sharethe entire study freely on his social media platforms.

While it is impossible to say with certainty what the legacy of the COVID-19 pandemic will be forPenang and its government’s proclivity for mega projects, what has become obvious is thatemployees have ditched their commutes and office spaces, and switched to working from theirhomes.

The State Government needs to see this as a watershed moment in history that marks the end of atraffic-jam era and usher in a new one.

The business models for delivering infrastructure will need to changewhereby parks, trails and other green spaces needs to take higher priority. Perhaps the StateGovernment needs to rethink its mega projects as the changes on our climate, and the repercussionsof this pandemic is going to require more creative thinking about urban infrastructure.

Anything that decreases the dependence on the car is a good thing for climate change andsustainability and for its effect on the family budget and the cost of urban infrastructure.

TBRA is encouraged by the rapid appearance of new bike lanes on the island and hope that thegovernment will use this crisis to rebuild our economy based on modern, better and more humanestrategies. We need a very different kind of economics if we are to build a socially just andecologically sound future for the next generation.

We therefore support the call by YB Nurul Izzah to cancel the PSR project. It is the right thing to do.

Zulfikar Abdul Aziz

Treasurer TBRA

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

TBRA Call to Action to Report Illegally Modified Motorcycles

Let’s catch the noise polluters. TBRA “ Call to Action” by all Residents!

A few months ago we alerted you to the need to reduce permissible speed on Tanjong Bunga’s main road.

Many of you agreed and some responded by writing in to JPJ and JKR asking for action. Safety was the main issue then (-remember the pictures of upside down cars?) Nothing much happened, not even the easiest action like putting 50KM max speed signs. No speed cameras were discussed.

We need to push harder. More of us.

Let us zero in on noise, esp. on illegal noise. There have been several articles and notices recently showing that the authorities are finally also losing their patience. Big fines, even jail. There is a momentum. Let’s seize it. Show that all of us who live on Jalan Tg Bunga are fed up with Mat Rempits and others who have illegally modified their exhaust pipes to make blasting noise.

Read this PDF file and we’ll show how you can help. ...

Friday, February 05, 2021

TBRA calls for urgent investigation into forest fires

5 February, 2021
TBRA calls for urgent investigation into forest fires
The Tanjung Bunga Residents Association (TBRA) is very disturbed to learn about the fires that destroyed 7.3ha of forests along Jalan Chee Seng yesterday evening.
We fear that this may be due to the illegal clearing of forests and lands by irresponsible hands for reasons that are unknown to us.

The forests are located close to water catchment areas and it is most bizarre for fires to naturally occur in these areas.
We call on the State and relevant government agencies to investigate and explain what exactly went on and to take urgent measures to prevent such fires from happening.
We certainly hope that this is not the work of ‘invisible hands’ that have other motives for clearing the forests.

Urgent investigations and explanation is needed from our state and local authorities.
Meenakshi Raman
Chair, TBRA
Photo and video credit: Various residents

Wednesday, October 07, 2020

Petition to reduce maximum speed on Jalan Tanjong Bunga between Mercure Hotel and Hillside

Residents’ Petition to JKR to reduce maximum speed on Jalan Tanjong Bunga between Mercure Hotel and Hillside (Puncak Bukit Mutiara).

Traffic on Jalan Tanjong Bunga has multiplied over the last few years. It passes through a residential area with condominiums, schools, nurseries, hotels, restaurants, workshops, houses, bus stops, etc., which generate vehicle and pedestrian traffic onto this road. In addition, Jalan Tanjong Bunga has become a major cycling route in Penang.


 The section of Jalan Tanjong Bunga between Mercure Hotel and Hillside is only safe to drive at 50km/h maximum. The road surface is uneven and has narrowing lanes; there are sharp bends, adverse cambers and several hidden junctions (Diamond Villa entrance, other residential entrances, Penang Swimming Club, Diamond Villa hidden exit and Jalan Abbas turnings). Higher speeds are extremely dangerous and have resulted in many accidents in recent months, some of them very serious.

Upside down car next to Sri Golden Bay

Upside down car next to Sri Golden Bay


Mercedes crashes on divider Diamond Villa
Mercedes crashes on divider Diamond Villa

This section of road is known as the “Mini-Sepang” for illegal high-speed driving and people come from all over Malaysia on the weekends to race by motorbike or car on this section of Jalan Tanjong Bunga late at night and sometimes even during daytime.

Fortunately, recent accidents happened late at night when no cyclists or pedestrians were present, as the accidents could have killed or seriously injured any innocent person who happened to be crossing or was on the footpath at the time.

We, residents, request JKR to take immediate steps (speed limit signs and speed cameras) to improve safety by reducing vehicle speeds, before serious accidents may cause injuries or death to innocent people, as well as the destruction of public or private property.

We request JKR to consider the following safety measures. However, since JKR is expert in road management, it may also have additional solutions to address the dangerous situation on Jalan Tanjong Bunga:

  1. Institute maximum speed limit of 50km/h on S-bend section (Mercure Hotel to Hillside) in both directions.

  2. Install clearly visible speed limit signs every 200m along this section of Jalan Tanjong Bunga. Consider painting 50km/j on the road surface so no-one can say they did not see.

  3. There is only one speed limit sign between Mercure Hotel and Tanjong Bunga Market and it is near the market. Hence, we also request JKR to improve speed limit signage on the section from Hillside to Tanjong Bunga Market with clearly visible 60km/j signs, including repeater signs every 200m in both directions to deter speeding;

  4. Solid white line lane dividers to prevent “weaving” on the bending section;

  5. Improve enforcement measures including "speed kamera operasi zon" signs in both directions; installation of speed cameras and traffic light cameras at critical locations.

The Tanjong Bunga Residents’ Association (TBRA) raises these concerns with the hope to prevent accidents involving deaths of cyclists or pedestrians. Furthermore, the damage to public property from these accidents is wasting taxpayers’ money.

TBRA urges all condominiums along Jalan Tanjong Bunga to join. Individual residents are also encouraged to sign.

Signed or approved by:

Sri Golden Bay Management  Committee

Diamond Villas Management  Committee